Happy Madness Day 2023!
This time around, I don't have a lot to show. Other than my parts in loose ends.
More things to come soon(ish).
Stay tuned
Age 84, who
Biała Podlaska
Joined on 5/5/21
Posted by Katzenware - September 22nd, 2023
Happy Madness Day 2023!
This time around, I don't have a lot to show. Other than my parts in loose ends.
More things to come soon(ish).
Stay tuned
Posted by Katzenware - September 6th, 2023
You are not getting your collab.
Why? Because you cant animate and nobody here knows you.
"But I can animate!", yes, you can. But it still looks like garbage a beginner makes and there's barely any excitement to be found in your work, half the grunts you've added don't move a muscle and the other half does the bare minimum of convincing the audience they're doing an action. Plus it's just a glorified test clip, no story, just a random tricky at the end. Plus I bet you dont even know how to mask.
"Why does this matter, im the organizer, not an animator!". It DOES matter, people actually need to see the host put in effort into their work. If you do nothing or barely do anything people are just gonna abandon your project because they see that the host isn't doing any effort.
It helps a little if people know you from before the collab, such as friends, but nobody in this server knows you and they're NOT GONNA WORK FOR YOU FOR FREE! Because thats it, you want an animation other people animated for free, its unpaid labor. Other collabs can do it because the participants actually see something worthwhile in it and actually have fun doing it. Not just realising the fantasies of some random guy for weeks on end, while not even getting paid.
Posted by Katzenware - March 18th, 2023
I do work on some side projects (above is one of those side projects)
the main thing is still heavily wip
expect the main thing either this madness day (hopefully) or next madness day...;...;..;..;..
(assuming i dont run into production issues like always LOL)
Posted by Katzenware - December 8th, 2022
jumping jsoull
dinner for kelzad dinner for kelzad
the beatels
green pepper redemption marching band
chris cornel (fat alex version)
im going to be removing old news posts
Posted by Katzenware - September 22nd, 2021
Happy Madness Day, everyone!
I wanted to have an animation done for MD21, but I got caught up with real-life stuff and unfortunately couldn't finish it in time.
Better luck next time, i suppose.
Also I'm hyped as fuck for M:PN.